306 definitions by Diggity Monkeez

A computer misspelling in which the author knows how to correctly spell the word, but accidentally pushes the wrong key(s) while typing the word.
I spelled 'malcontent' as 'malcntent', but my spell-checker caught the error.
by Diggity Monkeez February 20, 2005
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1) Deceased. No longer in the world of the living.

2) No longer entertaining. Over.

3) Definitely, extremely.
1) Yassir Arafat is dead; he died in 2004.

2) I'm leaving. This party is dead.

3) I'm not joking; I'm dead serious. (Also in this category is, "Enemy sub dead ahead!")
by Diggity Monkeez January 18, 2005
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The opposite of succeed. To unsuccessfully attempt an undertaking.
I failed to become manager of McDonalds, so I settled on cleaining the mini-playground.
by Diggity Monkeez February 22, 2005
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Far bigger than appropriate; usually after a sudden gain of size.
Martino's cake factory put so many ingredients into their products that the end result was thousands of bloated cakes which couldn't even make the shelves of Kroger.
by Diggity Monkeez April 8, 2005
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Untapped ability to achieve great things.
He's earning mid-B's so far this year, but he has tremendous potential. I think he'll end up with an A if he starts studying.
by Diggity Monkeez February 11, 2005
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Disgusting, repulsive, offensive. Often used when referring to odors.
Oh, by the way, the putrid smell you caught a whiff of was my brother cooking. You know, because he can't cook.
by Diggity Monkeez May 21, 2005
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The family that runs Thorax Corporation, LLC,,. They live at 403 Figgis Street in Mundelow, PA. The name 'Delabor' can be spelled 'DeLabor' in order to look Peruvian.
The Delabors are bound by marriage to Thorax Corporation, LLC,,., but Rode thinks he has found a loophole.
by Diggity Monkeez February 22, 2005
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