4 definitions by Danikinssss

taking a dumb stand in a fight, row, argument or debate
Allyssa was donkey sitting on Bryan's side.
by Danikinssss January 6, 2021
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(adj) being arrogant, narcissistic, obnoxious, doing a poor job, being self absorbed, not caring about others, and having controversial opinions on women, race, religions and other countries etc.
He's so trump.
Alyssa thinks she's so holier than thou when really she's just trump.
by Danikinssss January 6, 2021
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(adj) being arrogant, obnoxious, ignorant, doing a poor job, disrespectful, racist, sexist, malicious, controlling, etc.
He's so trump.
Alyssa acts so holier than thou when she's just trump
by Danikinssss January 6, 2021
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Someone who takes a last minute, unwanted and dumb stand in an arguement, debate or row
Dude... She's being such a donkey sitter.

She's being the world's worst donkey sitter by being on Alyssa's side
by Danikinssss October 15, 2020
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