16 definitions by Dahn

Fake jewelry that aging jew-centric women wear all over their bodies to hide all of their displeasing attributes.
Evette: Do you like my jewelry? Isn't it fab!?
Puablo: Fuck that golden garb!
by Dahn April 22, 2008
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The planet where the most awesome inventions come from. Also an alternate heaven for those wondering whether or not they want to come back to Earth for the 9000th time. It is like Limbo but way sweeter and without all the pain and suffering.
Sammy Sawgrass: Phew! That was a long ride!
Billy Bentnut: Where are you coming from?
Sammy Sawgrass: Febulonious.
Billy Bentnut: Daaamn homey! Isn't that like 60,000 light years away???
Sammy Sawgrass: Yep, but its not that bad, I took the Buick Rivera...
Billy Bentnut: You mean Riviera right?
Sammy Sawgrass: Yea, whatever man.
by Dahn April 23, 2008
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The mystical beast that lies dormant beneath the Sea Of Yeast. Can be resurrected by following the example below.
Jesse James: Dahn Turgenson was my idol until he softened up and got all bitched out by tricks, snitches and fake ass gangstas.
Chicken McGreen: Well, at least he can still be resurrected right?
Jesse James: Yep he can.
Chicken McGreen: How?
Jesse James: We must emblem as many late model Buick Riviera as possible.
Chicken McGreen: Then what?
Jess James: We must then take all the emblems and stick them to as many Ford Aspires as possible. It must all be be done under the full moon. Then The Dahn Turgenson shall rise the next morning.
by Dahn April 14, 2008
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One who spills soup somewhat consistently.
Dude1: Dude, what's wrong?
Dude2: Dude, I just spilled the soup on my new khakis.
Dude3: Ha Ha, Soup Spiller!!!
Dude2: Yea but these khakis are spill proof bra!
by Dahn April 22, 2008
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A yuppie or yupy who really thinks he or she is a true gangsta or "playa" when in fact they are the most pussy whipped bitches ever to walk the face of this earth.
A Yup Yup always attempts to look hard because they just got jumped back behind Club 2000.
by Dahn April 23, 2008
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The past tense verb referring to the removal of a automobile emblem from one's car. Most often this is done illegally and without the owners consent. One may choose to use a credit card to commit such an offense but a heat gun gun is the preferred tool of removal.
Thief 1: Hey check it out I just emblemed that VW beetle over there.
Thief 2: Wow, how did you get past the cable?
Thief 1: I snipped it with wire cutters bra'!
Thief 2: Oh sheet son!
by Dahn April 14, 2008
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A nice car which often times has subsequently had all of it's emblems removed for sport.
Fella: That's a nice car. What is it, a Buick Rivera?
Suit Wearing Yup Yup: Ahem, you mean Buick Riviera right?
Fella: Riiight Riv I era...hehehheh
Suit Wearing Yup Yup: Hey come back here with my emblems!!!
by Dahn April 23, 2008
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