9 definitions by Cr8zyN8than

The moment you die (or almost die) from anything school related
Kid 1: Oh man that was a lot of homework I had to.
Kid 2: tell me about it, I almost had a fiaton!
Kid 1: Damn man!
by Cr8zyN8than September 26, 2020
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Person A: Ok today we're going to learn about a parallelogram.
Person B: Oh you mean a parallelathingy?
Person A: WTF!?
by Cr8zyN8than September 9, 2022
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Kid 1: Hey so I herd that your stupidity is Tridusul so your 3ds? ha.
Kid 2: Shut up!
by Cr8zyN8than September 26, 2020
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Kid 1: What's your stupidity at?
Kid 2: Dousdusul
by Cr8zyN8than September 26, 2020
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1 unit of measuring someone stupidity
Kid 1: So how would you describe your friends stupidity?
Kid 2: It would just be a Ordusul
by Cr8zyN8than September 26, 2020
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