9 definitions by CommonCents 13

adj. place, situation, or person so extremely abject that you just can't take it anymore aka "cringe" times 1,000 as coined by David Pakman
Trumpistas that try to spread the "Big Lie" are so irrational and their interviews are giga-cringe
by CommonCents 13 July 21, 2021
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proper noun, American urban slang: a weak cringe male, a man who always acts like a timid little boy, a bitch nigga that occasionally may try to step to you but quickly remembers their place at the bottom of the hierarchy, that one dude in the crew - you know who I'm talking about
"I heard you were making fun of Billy all night."

"Yeah he deserved it. You know how he is."

"Did he get pissed off?"

"He tried to raise up in front of the ladies, but I put that Chauncy in his place. He apologized to me later."

"He apologized to you? Billy is such a Chauncey."
by CommonCents 13 April 15, 2022
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pronoun, insult; generic white guy with no flavor and no game, boring white boy 2 narcs on people, black ass white boy that nobody likes but somehow will occasionally get interest from bitches because he's tall and drives a truck, your most ordinary white bread douchebag
"Wait who are you going out with? Travis?"

"Yeah, so what. He's nice."

"Girl, I bet that dude is so bad in bed."
by CommonCents 13 April 15, 2022
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proper noun: insult; limp-dick boys that talk-the-talk but never walk-the-walk, that dude that hangs around the crew but is not in the crew, just a little bitch, punk-ass poser, guy that claims he's not a virgin but we all know he is and he knows we know
"Yo where's that little bish, Zach? I'm going to make him buy me a 40 oz."

"No need to fret. We already sent that Chauncey to the store to get us a whole case of 40s and some sticks and some sandwiches."

"Did you tell him that we'll pay him when he gets back?"

"Yeah, and that Chauncey knows we ain't going to give him shit."

"Price he pays to kick it with the cool crew, fucking Chauncey."
by CommonCents 13 April 15, 2022
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Patrol officers in a police department; non-specialized cops that spend their shift rolling around in a squad car; the lowest rung of a police department’s hierarchy.
DRUG DEALER: Is that the cops over there? Should I be concerned?

ACQUAINTANCE: It’s just the rollers, so you’re cool. Those fools don’t know what’s going down.
by CommonCents 13 December 9, 2020
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noun: labor intensive employment in manufacturing and service industries, often defined as blue collar.
Pappy says coal mining Is a “real job” and that computers are for pansies.

Pappy is dying from the black lung, but he still has to show up at his “real job” everyday.
by CommonCents 13 April 21, 2020
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noun: man or woman who consistently demonstrates a pattern of creepy and/or shiesty behavior, usually, characterized by passive-aggressive pursuits of narcotics and/or uninvited sexual advances towards vulnerable young girls.
The dude sleeps with 17-year old hookers, he creates fantastical lies, he creeps out his coworkers, and he’s staunchly conservative; indeed, all reasons why Matt Gaetz is a skeever.
by CommonCents 13 April 13, 2021
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