172 definitions by Cap'n Bullmoose

A democrat. A person who wants to tax YOUR pants off and give the money to bums, bindlestiffs, and Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition.
Quean Hillary is a neo-communist.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 23, 2005
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An outhouse.

A portable fiberglass commode.

This word arose early in the twentieth century, and is reputed to be an acronym for "Keep Your Bowels Open." The word is universal among Boy Scouts and RAGBRAI bicyclists in Iowa.
If you guys don't wise up, you'll have to clean the kybo.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 19, 2005
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A property of nouns and pronouns.

A noun can have one of three genders, masculine, feminine, and neuter. Gender is never male or female; that is sex.

The gender of a noun may have little or no relation to the sex of its bearer. For example, in German, the word for dog is der Hund, which has masculine gender. A dog may be male or female, but the word for dog has masculine gender.

Radical feminists, effeminate men, and extremely ignorant people use the word to mean sex. They also ignorantly believe that the pronoun HE, when used to refer to someone of unknown sex, is offensive. Instead, they ignorantly and incorrectly use the word THEY to refer to a single person of unknown sex. Notice that French, German, Spanish, and other people have no trouble at all distinguishing sex and gender. A German is never offended by the word ER used to refer to someone of unknown sex, even though ER also means HE. That's because Germans are intelligent enough to know the difference between gender and sex, and that gender may have little to do with sex.

Even well-meaning organizations ask for you gender on applications now, but only out of ignorance. They surely want to know if you are male or female, not whether you enjoy eating butt or prancing on floats in parades.
The word SHIP often has a feminine gender. People refer to a ship as SHE.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 20, 2005
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A moon that exposes the brown eye.

A mass mooning by several people that exposes all of their brown eyes.
250 guys had a brown out in front of the Phi Mu house on Saturday. You should have seen it!
by Cap'n Bullmoose May 13, 2005
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Groupthink is a flaccid substitute for actual thought, as practiced by all good liberals. A groupthought originates deep in the arse of a liberal “leader.” The liberal leader pulls the groupthought out of her arse and dispenses it to the hordes of waiting liberals. The liberals gratefully accept the groupthought from the liberal “leader,” then they kiss her obsequiously on the arse, then they all mouth their little groupthink platitude as if it were actually true. It is far easier to use groupthink and let sissy-pants liberal “leaders” do your thinking for you.
The Irish Jig O’Bama, a self-proclaimed liberal “leader,” farted a little groupthought. He squatted and strained, and this one pooted out of his arse: “We can’t drill our way out of this one.” By the next day, every limp-wristed liberal in the country was blathering the same words as if they were really true. NOT ONE liberal ever sat and thought about the truth of that groupthought. They just kissed the arse of the Irish Jig and chanted his dumb ass slogan.
Irina Dunn pulled a little groupthought out of her arse: “a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” And the next day, millions of womyn prattled the same stupid groupthought without considering its veracity. Millions of wives kissed Irina’s arse and belittled their loving husbands with that stupid ass slogan.
Some pansy ass liberal “leader” said that if you keep a gun in your house, you are far more likely to shoot one of your loved ones in anger with it, than you are to ever shoot a greasy, sneering, home-invading Pachuco boy. And next day, millions of liberals hit the streets babbling the same damn thing. NOT ONE liberal ever sat and thought about the stupidity of saying that. Not one liberal ever thought, “we are a loving, caring, family. We seldom argue, and wouldn’t think of using a gun to settle a beef. My family just doesn’t fit the statistics.” No, it’s easier for a liberal to use groupthink.
So sure enough, another sissy pants liberal “leader” says, “oh, but having a gun in the house makes it easier to kill your loved ones.” Well, duh. Guess that’s obvious, eh?. Driving a car makes it easier to crash into a brick wall. Taking a cruise makes it easier to drown. Living outside of a cave makes it easier to get hit by a meteor. Having a child makes it easier for your child to die before you. Are you going to sit paralyzed with fear because all those statements are true? NOT ONE effeminate liberal thought that through. Instead, legions of pantywaist liberals go around blathering the same insipid groupthought.
Some simpering poofter flounced into the room and said, “People don’t decide to become butt fucking faggots. They are born butt fucking faggots.” And millions of liberal twits accept that as truth. They yammer out the same idiocy as the poofters do. They never think for themselves. Come on, liberals, think! Are babies born eating butt? Are they born lisping and swishing? Are they born fisting each other and burgling turds? Think, liberals! Poofters become poofters by eating butt. They become poofters by fisting each other and corn holing the dog. Think, liberals! Don’t let a bunch of sodomites do your thinking for you.
Quit acting like a liberal! Don’t use Groupthink! Think for yourself!
by Cap'n Bullmoose July 24, 2008
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What polite people of all races called an African American man from 1930-1965. This was never considered a racial slur until the National Association for the Advancment of COLORED people said it was racist.
Louie is one great colored guy.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 19, 2005
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A politician who promises entitlements to certain groups in order to buy their votes. Note that the politician therefore wants those groups to remain static, so he can promise more entitlements and get more votes.

A liberal has no desire to see black, Mexican, or poofter populations leave their ghettos, barrios, or prance halls and blend in with the rest of society. If they did that, there would be no easy block of votes.

Liberals have no desire to see blacks or Mexicans get good paying jobs. With a good job comes the liberal's enormous burden of taxes, which soon wipe out your entitlements.

In short, a liberal is most interested in preserving the status quo, by keeping black folk down on de ol plantation.
Senaturd Kennedy is a pansy ass liberal.
by Cap'n Bullmoose April 19, 2005
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