When you insert something forceably I to the anus or even buttfuck the shit out something
The prisoner sodomized the shit out of Ben's asshole when he dropped the soap.
by Urbanbky123456 October 26, 2018
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To insert a foriegn object into someones anus.
"Get the fuck out of my office and dont let the doorknob sodomize you on the way out"
by Mandalorian November 15, 2003
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The art of inserting an object, any oject, into a rectum
"If you don't back the fuck up son, I am going to rip off your arm and sodomize you with the bloody stump!"
by dahmer, jeffrey January 25, 2003
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when a person performs abnormal or unnatural sexual intercourse on another person.
when someone penetrates someone anally, this is an example of when you sodomize that person.
by king lord June 17, 2018
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of or relating to sodomy.
Over there is a hooker we call Sodomous Holes, and over there is a person we call Sodomous Maximus. Those people really are quite Sodomous.
by Shit_4_Brains August 17, 2007
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A very good black/thrash metal band from Germany. Characterized especially by the wicked, raspy, German-accented vocals of their singer, Tom Angelripper.
by Mark H July 16, 2004
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a sodomizer is a boy who likes to ass rape other people whether or not it is a boy or girl.
nick is such a sodomizer, and his favorite partner is his twin brother matt!
by Jiggy Fly May 11, 2004
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