4 definitions by Cantaloupes4Ever

Having a hippobottomus means to showcase a rather excessive amount of flesh in the buttocks area of the body. It is an exceedingly insulting comment to declare one's buttocks a hippobottomus. It is commonly used in the clothing department of speech, as a sales assisstant may need to advertise clothing in the hippobottomus size, which is pants with 100x XL size. A hippobottomus is generally about 10000cm wide, and needs extra-stretchy clothes. Hippobottomus sizes of clothing might only be available from orders from online websites devoted to hippobottomus sizes of clothing. It is a major exaggeration to name one's buttocks a hippobottomus, but also is an extreme insult.
I am sorry, Ma'am, but we do not have these pants in the hippobottomus size.
by Cantaloupes4Ever June 11, 2017
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Cantaloupical means to act like a cantaloupe. Cantaloupes are fresh and juicy, so a cantaloupical person would act really nicely, but their weakness would be always telling the truth, even in bad situations. They would taste juicy, and look lovely and fresh every day.
Oh, have you met Johnny? He's really cantaloupical!
by Cantaloupes4Ever May 31, 2017
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A cantaloupe has a rough grey skin on the outside, but reveals tender juicy flesh in the middle. The mildly sweet and juicy flavor of cantaloupe makes it a perfect fruit. Cantaloupes are also commonly known as muskmelons, mush melons, rock melons and Persian melons. They really are a natural phenomenon.
'May I please have a cantaloupe?'
by Cantaloupes4Ever June 13, 2017
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The word cantaloupic is used to describe somebody who likes cantaloupes a whole lot. A cantaloupic is like a chocoholic, but doesn't like chocolate, instead cantaloupes. A cantaloupic may also have a certain personality, they may be always open and 'fresh' in situations. Tasting rather juicy, cantaloupics are fun to be around, and may eat cantaloupes a whole lot!
by Cantaloupes4Ever June 15, 2017
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