4 definitions by Camper

1.) Small hand-held videogames, like those produced by tiger electronics. Use in the context that the game keeps your fingers busy
Don't dis the gameboy man, its good thumb candy!
by Camper October 14, 2002
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1.) Drugs in general, heroine in the specific.
2.)Something that is addictive and destructive to some degree.
A: Dood stop reading penny-arcade...
B: Can't... I'm addicted to smack...
by Camper October 14, 2002
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*Frumple* be *round* and yet *lumpy*. So bad!!!
It is better not to *frumple* or else there is so much problems.
by Camper February 8, 2004
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The United Nation boot camp, where the drill sergent changes his mind to suite memory and mood.
Bobby works at mackay llp, he constantly changes his file for his boss.
by Camper April 21, 2005
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