138 definitions by Bumkicker Slade

To obtain something desired by bargaining, wheedling, and dealing.
Meyer finagled a band for the Bar Mitzvah. "So how did he get that trombone player?" asked Mrs. Fine sotto voce.
by Bumkicker Slade May 10, 2005
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The toque-wearing, cigarette-smoking man pictured on a package of Zig Zag cigarette papers.

From toke, a puff or drag on a marijuana cigarette.

Also called Ziggy the Narc.

Common since the 1960s, and maybe earlier.
I gotta quit smoking this stuff. I saw Pierre le Toque truckin down the street.
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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A cheap, petty hoodlum who woofs and brags a lot about how tough he is. He may may tattoos and a spiked collar to boost his ego. All show, no blow.

A gunsel.
Nothing shuts up a punk faster than a good, solid bust in the chops.
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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A haircut with large bare areas over the ears. A Mormon haircut.
Heber went to the barber and got his white sidewalls trimmed again.
by Bumkicker Slade April 24, 2005
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A bayonet. Common in the days of the War Between the States. Common in World War II.

A knife. Common since mid 19th century.
Emil carved up a Mun with his toad sticker.
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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An extremely offensive term for a female yuppie. She drives a mini-van or an SUV with a cell phone in one hand and a Starbucks in the other while watching a DVD player and turning around to talk to her kids in the back. She has an income large enough to vote for Hillary Clinton or some other liberal swine without worrying about having to pay the taxes, because she can shelter the money. She names her daughters Madison or Taylor or Spencer or Cassidy.
Chadwick is a soccer mom. She swears at the referee.
by Bumkicker Slade April 25, 2005
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A Cadillac or other large, fancy car.
Where did you get that car? It looks like a nigger heap.
by Bumkicker Slade May 7, 2005
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