179 definitions by Bryn Benn

Usurp is a tatt.i got done after finding the word by random tapping on the phone. It means to take over illegally or by force.
Usurp rap song by 'E2G0', a neat new shith, "where tay king over no mercy'.'
by Bryn Benn April 16, 2020
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crimsin ; is not quite considered as commiting a crime, and not exactly a sin either.
Pinching a grape from the supermarket or sampling the sun-dried tomatoes, even though you don't plan on buying them is a bit of a 'crimsin'.
by Bryn Benn April 14, 2020
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In-co is an uncoordinated effort involving two parties or more.
The KIR worked with 'urban dictionary' in-co helping The KIR express it's stance.
by Bryn Benn March 28, 2020
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halacutalica ; is to take a critical neutral stance.
When your here, halacutalica.
by Bryn Benn April 14, 2020
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TIC-TOC Corona ice bucket challenge ; is when you challenge somebody to tip a bucket of iced water over there heads, with a hint of either, vinegar, salt, lemon and/or detergent with sanitizer.

I challenge all TIC-TOC uses to the COVID IBC. TIC-TOC Corona ice bucket challenge.
by Bryn Benn April 15, 2020
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Nowokinela (no-wok-in-ela) means cooking alive. This practice does exist, from crabs to dogs around the world. It's immoral, yet the reasoning behind it may infact be due to contamination AD.
Facebook published several 'nowokinela' incidents, it is confronting and disturbing.
by Bryn Benn March 26, 2020
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Nowokinela (no-wok-in-ela) means cooking alive. This practice does exist, from crabs to dogs around the world. It's immoral, yet the reasoning behind it may infact be due to contamination AD.
Facebook published several 'nowokinela' incidents, it is confronting and disturbing.
by Bryn Benn March 26, 2020
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