179 definitions by Bryn Benn

Sellfish is when you couldn't give a stuff about the nearly 1.1M dead people from COVID-19 and your only pissed off about not being able to go outside for the next 9 months.
Man, your so ... Sellfish. Think about the children.
by Bryn Benn April 5, 2020
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Bortol ; is when the 5G network is used as military weaponry.
I call bortol on the 5G network. Says the authority.
by Bryn Benn April 24, 2020
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Dymaroo is a hot spot that governments will aquire if there's a revolt.
Gov obtained the final dymaroo, so now they can rebuild strongly.
by Bryn Benn April 4, 2020
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Afoya,: is when you take a liking to being abused, because it's funny.
I had an afoya today, when I only had a stack of coins to make a purchase.
by Bryn Benn April 18, 2020
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BINGE is Telstra's little machination effort up against Netflix.
A birdy thinks BINGE is going to be the new astral justify machination that uses technicallies to produce quality entertainment. Sounds bizarre, but it makes the world safe and FUN.

by Bryn Benn July 20, 2020
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BINGE is Telstra's little effort up against Netflix.
A birdy thinks BINGE is going to absorb in the waywood chemicals, to make a new'director' application. Fuckin Just What The 'Docordread' 👽 we're all tired of pissy little wankers fucking around with pine fly spray and so forth
by Bryn Benn July 20, 2020
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BINGE is Telstra's little machination effort up against Netflix.
A birdy thinks BINGE is going to be the new astral justify machination that uses technicallies to produce quality entertainment. Sounds bizarre, but it makes the world safe and FUN.

by Bryn Benn July 20, 2020
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