68 definitions by Breaking dancing on cardboard

Someone that has connections or can get things done.

Someone on the inside
Robert is my tow truck, he hooked me up with floor seats to the Piston game last week
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A female that talk behind your back look at people funny and smile in your face. Usually an older woman
Every time I walk in the lunch room a few old biddies always stare at me and whisper to each other’s
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Lifting something to heavy to lift by one person, usually in frustration and using a horrible bear hug technique
My roommate was so mad about the trash man not taking the broken freezer we carried to the curb that he rock gutted it in the back of his pick up and took it to the dump. I am surprised he did not hurt his back
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The orange film that collects between your teeth and gums from eating a bag of cheetos
You must have eaten Cheetos. I can see the charter from across the room.
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To advance in a completion so swiftly and unexpectedly that the opponent is caught off guard in disbelief that it happened
Lewis Hamilton passed all 4 cars ahead of him in the first lap of the race that they we all left for dead
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