22 definitions by Bonzai

simply someone whose mind is in the gutter at a particular moment; someone who is preoccupied with sexually explicit thoughts.

- also, the condition of having your mind in the gutter; an instance where sexually graphic thoughts prevails in someone's mind.
"don't be a gutterbrain!"

"my friend, it seems you have a severe case of gutterbrain!"
by Bonzai January 15, 2005
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enthusiastically ready for something, stoked
dude I am so primed for that babefest at Kristy's tonight!
by Bonzai February 23, 2005
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a combination of the words "normal" and "regular", mainly for emphasis.
"I dunno dude...not to be shitting you or nothin'...but you gotta admit most of those stunts at the last X-Games seemed pretty normular to me...I mean, even blindfolded and asleep, it would've been a cinch even for you! haha."
by Bonzai November 4, 2006
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"we made a pit stop to grab some munchies and gas, and STILL we made it there AOS!"
by Bonzai April 3, 2007
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"how are we doing for time? think we'll make our ETA?"

"yep, for sure....ROS baby!"
by Bonzai April 4, 2007
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something you say in response to something that someone else says, when you're in full agreement with that person.
"Hey look, check out that chick! She just moved in down the street last week. Man, what a fuckin hottie she is! I mean seriously, she's a total babe!!"

"Whoa! I roger that, dude!"
by Bonzai October 14, 2006
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