10 definitions by BlenderThatBlendsThings

An abbreviation for the "PC Master Race" which is a term of superiority for PC gaming which often used to compare PC gaming to console gaming. The term is reinforced by the pros of PC gaming, such as better graphics, backwards compatibility, lower long-term cost modification capabilities, customization, free online play, and better overall performance.
Jerry: Are you guys apart of the PCMR? or are you just dirty console peasants?
Alex: Im apart of the master race! PC forever!
Jacob: I like to play Call of Duty Ghosts on my Xbox! :D
Jerry and Jacob: ...
by BlenderThatBlendsThings November 13, 2016
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How woke ass individuals say "nigga", "negro", "nig nig", "n-word", "niggaboo", "nigger" "niggah", and/or derivatives thereof.
Niggas who say "nigga" - 1+2 = gucci gang
Guys whom utter "negro" - The Bizon is the best gun in GS:GO
Dudes whomst vocalize "negroid" - *Watches Rick and Morty regularly"
Personages whomst'd've enunciate "negroidian" - *Knows the moon landings where faked on the moon, and makes it to day 32 of Dick Destroy December*
by BlenderThatBlendsThings November 17, 2018
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Someone who really likes Donald Trump, They have shrines of him, know all his personal information, and will fiercely defend him in every shape or form, even if they sound out of their minds
Davis: Who do you guys want for president? I want John Kasich
John: Ima cruse with Cruz
Aaron: Im-a-Cuban so Rubio
Liam: i dunno... Hilary Bush... Washington, oh Clinton
Elliott: I want Sanders, did I mention I drive a Toyota Prius

Davis, John, Liam, Arron, and Elliott: o_O Trumper Thumper?
by BlenderThatBlendsThings March 14, 2016
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A diss track made by Ice Cube aimed at his former band mates from N.W.A. and their manger, Jerry Heller. After shots where taken at him in the songs "100 Miles and Runnin'" "Real Niggaz" "A Message to B.A" and "Alwayz Into Somthin". The song samples the first 7 seconds, and the baseline of the 1970's song "Dazz" for its instrumental. Various lines from the song such as "You lookin' like straight bozos, I saw it comin', that's why I went solo" and "Get rid of that devil real simple, put a bullet in his temple!" has made this track, and "Hit Em' Up" by Tupac widely regarded as the best/strongest diss tracks.
"It ain't my fault, one nigga got smart, and they rippin' your asshole apart. By takin' your green, oh yeah, The Villain does get fucked with No Vaseline." - Ice Cube
by BlenderThatBlendsThings October 30, 2016
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A song made by Foster The People named after the luxury footwear. It's known for it's particularly upbeat yet unsettling musical composition/instrumental, and dark lyrics regarding a troubled youth named "Robert" who has fantasies of shooting up his school.

If you hear someone humming this song... particularly if they're white, named Eugene, have a bowl haircut, wear a trench coat/fedora/tie under shirt/etc., sport a neck beard, and/or if they have known association with the brony, weaboo, or furry fandom. It's best if you vacate the premises ASAP.
Ted: "I got my pumped up kicks"

Scott: "Then I saw Eugene in his trench coat, looking at furries on DeviantArt, and humming Pumped Up Kicks reach into his backpack."
by BlenderThatBlendsThings July 7, 2018
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A movie about semi-anthropomorphic wolves made in 2010. So basically, an omega wolf, who's a complete jackass named Humphrey, and an alpha wolf named Kate, who's literally and figuratively a bitch get relocated to Idaho, and must get home before their packs wage death and destruction on each other. but they face many problems, such having get away from 3 bears who want to brutally maul them to death, an angry French guy who almost blasts them with a 12 gauge(with slightly better aim than a stormtrooper), a psychopath sadistic mom, and... not to mention the infinite amount of sexual jokes... this is a PG rated kids film?
Jackson: I saw Alpha and Omega today...
Marcus: What did you think?
Jackson: Its an R rated film in a PG movie's clothing
by BlenderThatBlendsThings November 13, 2016
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A Republican Senator from South Carolina that frequently plays ass-grab with John McCain, and Joe Lieberman. Attempted to gain the Republican Party presidential ticket in the 2016 election course, but suspended his campaign due to low poll numbers and absence of support.
Lindsey Graham called Republican candidate and now president Donald Trump a "jackass." Trump later came back by calling Graham a idiot, and releasing out his personal cell phone number.
by BlenderThatBlendsThings February 2, 2017
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