13 definitions by Bilbo

a pan-cake of sorts. excelent for scolding people's faces off. when not completely cooked, acts as a delicious form of napalm.
after he threw me threw the window, i grabbed a flap jack and he knew i meant business.
by Bilbo January 4, 2004
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A sexual term relating to the stimulation of the penis
Im gonna give you the biggest Max Farrah in the world!!
by Bilbo July 28, 2003
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A light framework covered with cloth, plastic, or paper, designed to be flown in the wind at the end of a long string, which is held between the buttocks of a man or woman. Holding the string in any other manner renders it merely a kite.
It's a nice day. I think I'll head down to the beach and fly an asskite. With my ass.
by Bilbo March 16, 2004
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Term used to describe smoking a bowl (usually in a pipe or a bong) of marijuana.
Hey man, wanna bach a bowl?
by Bilbo March 4, 2004
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A state of aggrivation or agitation brought about by hunger.
Person 1: We need to stop for food soon.

Person 2: Yeah. Fucking hunggro dude.
by Bilbo March 16, 2004
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When a man or woman is sucking a dick and a lot of spit sticks to their hand.
Bro last night, Abby was sucking me off and her spit gave her bad webbed fingers.
by Bilbo April 2, 2017
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