3 definitions by BigDickClyde1993

Term used to describe people who act super gay and do super gay things but are somehow straight. If you get called this, please check your actions and make sure that you aren’t bothering anyone else with them. Typically used when you say something or do something gay but you have a girlfriend or they know you’re semi or fully straight.

Used often in Broward.
Guy 1: Did you hear Thomas and Jaden

came up to me and tried to grab my ass?

Guy 2: REALLY? Don’t they have girlfriends?

Guy 1: Yeah but they’re just being gaygay they need to chill out.
by BigDickClyde1993 November 14, 2018
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Another word for someone with a Supreme Sized dick. Usually people with BDE and will drop you off.
Did you see that guy DeluxSL on xbox? He has a huge dick.
by BigDickClyde1993 November 15, 2018
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short for Big Dick Energy. Typically used on Instagram or Twitter. Used when you’re referencing yourself and some of your qualities.
DeluxSL has hella BDE.
Thomas has no BDE, I guess he’s just shrimping.
by BigDickClyde1993 November 14, 2018
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