4 definitions by Benedictus Bathrolomew the 3rd

yummy ball sack put onto a grill and dipped in bbq sauce for that tasty goodness burnt ballsack flavour with that slimy hot bbq sauce.
Person 1: what u wanna eat tonight
Person 2: How about we have a ball sack bbq?
Person 1: yeee
Person 3: Yes
Person 4: :yum:
Person 5: yooooopieeee
by Benedictus Bathrolomew the 3rd February 2, 2022
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hot and sexy steamy hot nigga balls slimy with white goo, yummy taste, some hate it, some dont, very salty yummy yum yucky, suck on deez hair nigga balls HD, 1080p 4k hot nigga balls white woman gangbang.
person 1: wanna suck on deez hairy nigga balls steamy and creamy.
person 2: yup! i love the taste of white goo
by Benedictus Bathrolomew the 3rd January 31, 2022
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Jhuarden always has a mustache at the age of 14, anyone named Jhuarden is obsessed with WW2. he most likely has a friend named Quentin.
P1: is that Jhuarden?!
P2: ye
by Benedictus Bathrolomew the 3rd January 28, 2022
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