39 definitions by AtlanticComputer

Someone who has a hard time at hiding their blatant lies, and frequently pauses to cringe.
The guy at the job interview was so pausal that I thought he was having a stroke.
by AtlanticComputer August 27, 2020
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Something that jumps around a lot.

A flea normally jumps around quite a bit, but imagine one on speed (or meth, since it sounds better than speed). That would be chaotic.
Joe, my son, had a bottle of Coke, and for the next few hours, he was jumping around like a flea on meth.
by AtlanticComputer January 3, 2021
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1) Rapid expulsion of material and plasma from a source.
2) Ejaculation.
1) The derailing of a train carrying lots of gasoline caused a massive explosion.
2) Can I do an explosion to your photo?
by AtlanticComputer August 8, 2020
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Men Groping Their Own Weiners
Bob is MGTOW.
by AtlanticComputer September 22, 2020
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David was working under his car and knocked his jack.

"Oh shit"
by AtlanticComputer September 16, 2020
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An idiot who misspells Sherlocke
(Argument online)

A: The sun is yellow, doofus.
B: No shit, Sherlock, it looks like that to us, but it contains all colours or sum shit.
A: LMAO you misspelled Sherlocke.
by AtlanticComputer August 23, 2020
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