87 definitions by Athene Airheart

Members of the toughest, flyingist, darn Marine Corps squadron in the Pacific Theater of World War II. Originally wanting to be called "Boyington's Bastards," but "Black Sheep" was a bit more printable.
The Black Sheep Squadron TV show is not a very accurate portrayal of the real day-to-day life of the sqadron.
by Athene Airheart March 20, 2004
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Slang term for mary jane, reefer, weed, kiff, pot, herb...

Also spelled hwaddow.
The other day we got some great hwaddaow and found ourselves to be truly cheeched.
by Athene Airheart May 30, 2004
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A slang term for someone of African descent. It can also be short for "Nubian."

Not really meant in a derogatory fashion.
When my dad saw the type of candy called "nibs," he called them "nubs" by mistake and thought they'd be a good name for someone.
by Athene Airheart March 21, 2004
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Things that you can drink, like water or juice. "Potable water" means you can drink it without harm. Often used when referring to alcohol.

Sometimes used in combination, "comestibles and potables."
That bar has plenty of fine potables, we should go over there after the fighter sweep Friday night.

-hotshot fighter pilot who likes to read
by Athene Airheart March 21, 2004
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What passengers often use to deplane.

As used by the airlines, an extensible walkway that is articulated and usually enclosed. It kind of looks like a stretched out accordian from the outside. It is positioned so that passengers can walk from the terminal building to the door of the aircraft in comfort and safety.
The passengers walked down the jetway to board their flight to Norway.
by Athene Airheart May 15, 2004
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A word that is used to describe the main control of an airplane, whether it's stick shaped or not. A "stick" can be a wheel, or a yoke, as well as a traditional stick.

The stick is used to move the ailerons and elevator, which controls the pitch and roll axes of an airplane.

To be "hot on the stick" is to be really good at flying an airplane or helicopter.
The stick in that biplane is made out of really nice mahogany...
by Athene Airheart March 22, 2004
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A nonsense phrase used in the 20s. See 28 Skidoo. Usually a positive thing.
"23 Skiddoo!" said the flapper as she checked out the guy in the zoot suit.
by Athene Airheart March 16, 2004
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