8 definitions by Askejm

to ping @everyone when you warn someone called everyone and cause weeks of people asking who pinged me
Eyeforcz: ?warn @everyone
bruh ping
Who pinged me
tomboz: ?lock
admin: eyeforcz moment omegalul
by Askejm May 12, 2021
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Hans: Yo haza goin
Steve: Ayyyy Hans you doin good m8?
Hans: Ye im gg how boud you?
Steve: Good also ty mah homie
by Askejm January 30, 2018
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What scientists use in an attempt to sound clever when they really want to give an accurate estimate but they got no fucking idea so they just give a guess that sounds reasonable.
Interviewer: So how far away from the sun is planet 9?
Scientist: Hmm, that's a great question. My guestimate is that it is at least 17 astronomical units away at it's closed
by Askejm December 12, 2019
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The Danish word for a man who gets listens and gets controlled a lot by his wife or girlfriend
Is usually used in a negative way
Johnny is a tøffelhelt lol
by Askejm May 13, 2019
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When an aircraft lands really nice and smooth without wobbling from side to side, braking too hard, making rapid turns and hitting the ground hard. To achieve this you need good piloting skills, so getting told you buttered the bread is a really nice thing.
Billy: There he comes!
Benny: Wow he absolutely buttered the bread
Billy: Yeah I know!

Michael: Watch as I butter the bread
Jimmy: Wow that landing was PERFECT!
Michael: Thank you
by Askejm January 10, 2019
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Means: “girlfriend” or “boyfriend
Doni Bae ❤️❤️❤️
Mum 👌🏻🍕
by Askejm January 30, 2018
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Be kind to the other

wewewewewewewewewe (spelled and pronounced 9we) is a term that is used in arguments that you may or may not be a part of. It can be used to politely tell the other person or the people arguing to calm down and be kind to each other

Origin: wewewewewewewewewe (according to google translate) is Yoruba and means be kind to the other.
Person 1: Fuck you, man. I'm gonna come to your house and beat up your mom
Person 2: If you come ill be ready with a knife
Person 3: hey guys, 9we
by Askejm June 16, 2020
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