100 definitions by AnonDoxy

When the orthodox jewish ostracize a Jewish member of their community because the person is mentally or physically disabled.
Jews have spread across the world in part due to jewgenics.
by AnonDoxy November 14, 2018
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A derogatory term for a person that believes the Umbrella man conspiracy theory.
The person that created the Umbrella man conspiracy theory is a Dumbrella Man.
by AnonDoxy January 22, 2023
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Sex related acronym meaning -
Sex with experienced adolescent teen
I like to sweat
by AnonDoxy September 12, 2021
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People connected to wikipedia (staff, admins, moderators, contributors etc) whom lie to their friends, neighbours and relatives wrongly assuring them that wiki pages only contain the truth and that wiki is 100% trustworthy source of information.
A wikipedler has no soul.
by AnonDoxy October 3, 2018
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Jewish losers that deny antigentilism and push the antisemtism narrative.
Antigentilsm Denial Losers ain’t fooling nobody.
by AnonDoxy May 4, 2023
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Cause (someone) to have their perspective on Jews dramatically transformed to believe -
That Jews are always being victimised.
That Jews are not antigentiles.
That antigentilism doe not exist.
That antigentilism is a made up term by antisemites.
That any criticism of Jews and Isreal, and questioning the Holocaust, and anyone having an opinion that differs from that of Jews is unacceptable and is antisemetic.
Jews want everyone to be ADL pilled
by AnonDoxy April 24, 2023
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Slang term for a black person.

It's an alternate to spear chucker.
Jim got robbed by a boomerang.
by AnonDoxy February 12, 2019
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