100 definitions by AnonDoxy

Activists/slacktivists on social media websites such as twitter, whom often have automated accounts (bots) on which they post/tweet things such as images that constitute child porn, comments and or imagery mocking child abuse and comments and or imagery promoting child sexual exploitation.
Trutherbots are pedobots.
by AnonDoxy November 19, 2018
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There's a saying that goes: Some people talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

A talkavist is a an activist that is all talk but no action.
Such people can be found on social media websites such as twitter where they tweet comments such as "revolution" but that is as far as their effort goes as to achieving a revolution as they're all talk!
by AnonDoxy June 27, 2018
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Holocaust survivors are people who claim to have survived being gassed.
Just how long can a Holocaust survivor hold their breath for?
by AnonDoxy January 21, 2023
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Hypocritical wiki admins.
For example:

It's OK for wiki admins to bully and name call lowly regular wiki contributors but if a regular wiki contributor behaves in that way they are punished.

It's ok for wiki admins to post libelous remarks about lowly regular wiki contributors but if a regular wiki contributor behaves in that way they are punished.
The wikipocrisy is out of control!
by AnonDoxy October 2, 2018
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A tranny whom is short in stature
I saw a clownlet hanging around the school talking to kids
by AnonDoxy April 13, 2023
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