153 definitions by Adel7

The name of an Asian coach, leader, or revolutionary that any failing group wants to call and bring into the picture.
I believe the cure for the Saints' recent miserable seasons is to hire Win Sum Soon.

This project is three months behind schedule. Where's Win Sum Soon when you need him?
by Adel7 January 13, 2008
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When someone uses words they don't even understand, while eating bean burritos from Taco Bell.
Zarfigliage occurs rarely, but causes lots of pain.
by Adel7 March 28, 2009
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The really geeky, nerdy, dweeby, and vomit-inducing phrases that nerds try to use to pick up sexy ladies.
Astronomical one-liners
"Hey sexy lady? Are you interested in astronomy? How about tonight you let me look at Uranus? I heard it's hard to find, but well worth the effort!"

"Excuse me lovely lady? Are you from Venus? Because you are so HOT! Did you know Venus has the hottest surface temperature? Just like you baby!"

"Hello sweet lady - there's no star-gazing like seeing you!"

"Hey baby - how about we go outside tonight? I heard that there's a full moon out."

"Hey lovely lady, you see that star up there in the sky? It's called Aldebaran, and it means lovely lady. Just like you."

"Hello sexy lady! How about tonight I teach you about the Big Bang theory? I can show you how those explosions made the whole universe!"

"Hello, sweet honey cupcake! Baby, how about tonight we go out and look at all the constellations? Tonight the Big Dipper is up - so what do you say. How about some big spooning honey?"
by Adel7 November 29, 2007
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Egyptian-Arabic dialect word for "crazy." Can be a noun or an adjective.
Did you hear that magnoon? He said that George Bush was the best president in US history.
by Adel7 November 29, 2007
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Should be the nickname for Antoine Walker - the trigger-happy NBA player who misses too many shots from outside the arc.
We went to the recent Timberwolves game and saw Chucking Threes Please ... oh well at least he's having fun eh.
by Adel7 January 13, 2008
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Supercilious means full of arrogance and acting like one doesn't care at all and is indifferent, as if that person is a royal King or Queen.
In the ingenious SAT prep book "Up Your Score" the example sentence for supercilious goes: "The supercilious person said, "I am perfect, but you are a super silly ass."
by Adel7 December 2, 2007
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