402 definitions by Jon

"America's Finest News Source." A satirical that makes fun of American politics and pop culture.
This article by The Onion is hilarious!
by Jon January 1, 2004
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Software so poorly written, the creators deny that it is in its final form.
Windows is not beta because the creators do not try to hide their poorly written code - they sell it.
by Jon August 11, 2004
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Having an opinion which is wrong; one whose opinion is wrong.
If you don't agree with me, you are a dysdoxant.
by Jon December 23, 2003
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A moronic, chimpanzee like creature that bought his way into the White House. He makes a mockery of the English Language. Has several DUI arrests and is known to insult other cultures by asking questions that a child, who doesn’t know any better, would ask. He also has the I.Q. of a garden snail.
by Jon March 14, 2005
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for cam: swim suit
for everyone else: clothes
trying out my new threads
(Cam trying out his new suit in a race)
(Someone trying out their new clothes)
by Jon February 22, 2005
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a young girl (10-16) that dresses slutty and tries to be a prostitute but does not act on any prositutial activities.
That girl is such a prostitot!
by Jon November 13, 2003
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