73 definitions by Kenny

the area between your balls and butt
The Russian stretched Alex's bunifa in ways no bunifa should ever be stretched
by Kenny February 19, 2005
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to steal; borrow; mooch;
to take (from a friend)
"Can I rax one of those chips, dude?"
by Kenny March 11, 2003
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A good looking teenage boy, not necessarily built. Usually has a
naturally clean cut appearance, dresses well (mainly prep gear), and is very aware of his hair, skin, etc. Constantly looks in the mirror to look perfect from head to
toe. You could usually tell who has the pretty boy look (school, mall, etc.). Some are popular, which is why pretty boys are cautious of their image as to satisfy themselves while not
necessarily impressing others, although pretty boys are checked out ocassionally by girls, and well, boys too (in reference to attractiveness, or envy). Always wanting to look good does affect ones personality, as most may come off as prissy, stuck up, annoying, or definately conceited. Some however are outgoing and friendly (the ones who are aware both physically and socially).
I would know, since I consider myself a pretty boy!
by Kenny January 29, 2005
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Sweat on da ballz that dries and turns into a yellow crust.
Yo man...i got some heavy gornage from this weather.
by Kenny September 11, 2004
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Dude ryan when that girl squirted it looked like cat puke, ya kenny she needs to shave that bush
by Kenny March 19, 2004
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the fold of skin that covers the genital area of a severly obese person.
she shaves her fochanka because she wants to appeal to men.
by Kenny December 17, 2003
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