17 definitions by =Virus.Exe=

- a feat a extraordinary ability .
- another use for man
- *playing games* "ok meng coming up now..."
- "shaddup meng"
by =Virus.Exe= August 14, 2004
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a hilarious collection of home movies about a guy called jeremy .
go download now , go go go
this series is hard to understand if you are not much of a game player.
'lets go watch pure pwnage'
by =Virus.Exe= November 4, 2004
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means 'Crafty Pocket Wank'
when a dodgy looking man is in a teenage girls trampolining lesson with his hands in his pockets.... CPW
'hey look at that guy with his hands in his pockets...'
by =Virus.Exe= November 15, 2004
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how some people say FEAR .
it means the same thing , just looks cooler , can also be seen as PH34R
omg phear me
*u die*
by =Virus.Exe= January 22, 2005
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1) a word randomly used in the context of 'wtf ,huh ,what? , come again? or zha?'
2) word used by chocobos to convey happiness also see wark
3) word used by eskimo bob
'got that fligu yet?'
by =Virus.Exe= November 18, 2004
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see townie

they usually walk around in mobs of 5+ causing havoc or annoyance to those in the vicinity .
*walks through a crowd of yobs*
"hey wheres my clothes???"
by =Virus.Exe= November 4, 2004
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