Zeline is an extremely beautiful, trustworthy strong girl who is always there for you. You can always count on a Zeline to make your day happier. Seeing a Zeline can brighten anyone's day when she smiles at you. Zeline is a girl that doesn't take shit from anyone and if you say something, she will call you up on it. Zeline is a very sexy, funny, attractive young lady and deserves the world. Zeline has a great sense of humor and you can always promise a Zeline to have a laugh with you.

You would be a very lucky person to meet a Zeline.
Dayum look at that girl dude

I bet her name is Zeline
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Zelin is my lovely girlfriend, she's an amazing girl <3
by Ur fav bf December 30, 2022
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Zel (Romanian) - earnestness

Zeline (Croatian) - green

Zeline (French) - solemn

Zelin is a name of a person with a green personality, fresh and restful.

A sincere person with a wise stand, who is serious but caring.
The name Zelin suits her tranquil personality.
by Cokish March 8, 2022
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