To become the most awsome person in your family by growing long hair.
Josh is Zacking out and now chicks are all over him!
by joshua124 July 25, 2010
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When your blacked out, yelling at everyone, cant walk and pissed on something in your bedroom and you only started drinking 2 hours ago
Bartender: what's wrong with your friend?
Person 1: oh he is just zacked out.
Bartender: really, I feel like he just got here. Well, I'm gonna have to cut him off
by Dave mck October 5, 2018
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Spending obscene amounts of money on an IOS game to make a contest unfair because your opponents didn't agree to a truce.
That guy seriously was zacking out there. I guess he really wanted to win.
by Reallyheylookitsme June 3, 2022
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