
The person who is always holding up the group. Consistently the straggler in the group and frequently for "dumb" reasons.
"Where's the z-factor?"
"Rich? He's back there reading that street sign."
by reade November 25, 2007
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The person who is always holding up the group. Consistently the straggler in the group and frequently for "dumb" reasons.
"Where's the z-factor?"
"Rich? He's back there reading that street sign."
by readec December 27, 2007
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The Z-factor is the ratio between a womans narrowest spot on her waist, vs her widest spots on her buttocks and upper torso. The higher the Z-factor, typically, the hotter the woman. A perfect Z-factor will resemble this ")(".
Check out the Z-factor on that broad! She could be in a Sir-Mix-Alot video!
by Zel1 January 8, 2021
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