ypc_gucci a very hot, muscular, smart, very nice, and a very tall man that never misses is cool and you automatically become a king or queen if you're mutuals with him. Not only that but there is a good chance that he will say yes to making out or seggz
Boy 1: NOO WAY
Boy 2:What?
Boy 1:ypc_gucci FOLLOED ME BACK
Boy 2: Noway how?
Boy 1:Just ask him he's super nice so he will probably say yes
Boy 2: Ok bet imma go ask ypc_gucci if we can be mutuals
Boy 1 : Go for it


Boy 1: Yay now we both can brag about being mutuals with him 🥰
by NoMisser March 14, 2021
Get the ypc_gucci mug.
Ooohhhh I've always wanted to be mutuals with ypc_gucci
by He hi snev March 14, 2021
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