you missed it

1. A reminder that someone has failed to attend an event/notice an occurrence before it has passed by. Can either be used as a sympathetic reminder, a warning or for playfully or harmfully teasing someone, often used on one individual to defend/support another.

2. A statement made after someone has failed at a goal as sympathetic comfort or as playful or harmful teasing, often used on one individual to defend/support another.
(Victoria throws the ball as her parents watch the game from the stands. Megan swings her bat, but fails to hit the ball, so Emma catches it.) Victoria’s mom: Haha Megan! You missed it!
by Me. Mr, May 31, 2018
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Miss you miss you

When you miss someone in a different way, but not as a friend. More than a friend .
by Gonzo.julia July 16, 2019
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Thank you, Miss USA

When someone doesn't know the answer to a simple question. (Recently, 50% of the Miss USA contestants didn't know who the Vice-President of the USA is.)
"Dude, what time is it?"
"Duh, I don't know, man."
"Thank you, Miss USA."
by regsixer June 10, 2012
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you da miss

"...and I told him, don't you be taking my cheese fries, son."
"You go girl, you da miss!"
by cmalkow June 13, 2007
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Missing You

no matter what turns life takes, no matter how much time has passed, missing someone doesn't change anything. It's a statement with no expectation. Nothing else. Just know you are loved.
When all is silent, I'm Missing You
by #whileyoucan May 1, 2015
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Miss you

Noticing someone's absonce not being able to talk to them or see them for long periods of time.
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd December 11, 2020
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miss you

- bullshit text from a narcissist seeking validation. do not engage.
- fuckboi text reminding you he exists after disappearing for months, just in case you've forgotten him.

block immediately.
narcissist: miss you
by bitterbish June 30, 2017
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