To wilb (v.) - to browse the internet for leisure purposes while in one's workplace.

Derived from the phrase, 'Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing (WILB),' which was coined by Melbourne University's Dr Brent Coker in 2009.
Boss: What are you doing?
Employee: I'm wilbing because I just couldn't think about that report any longer. I needed a quick break to refresh my thoughts.
by brainboy April 4, 2009
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WILB (n.) - Acronym meaning 'Workplace Internet Leisure Browsing.' Coined by Melbourne University's Dr. Brent Coker. see also v. 'to wilb'
Please refrain from surfing the web at your desk. Instead, please use the WILB Center.
by brainboy April 4, 2009
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a wilb in english slang , is dick or penis
Man that guy has a tiny wilb.
by TheUnderstandonator January 25, 2018
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