A Wiccan is not a SATANIST. In fact, we do not even believe in "SATAN" we are smart enough to know that we are ALL responsible for our own actions. Some do claim that we preform sacrifices and put curses on people. I'm terribly sorry, but this is a lie. We accept everyone's choice in life, and what deity they choose to follow. Sometimes we are recognized by wearing a pentacle around our neck {pentagrams are usually upside down and refer to Satanists} by having a free spirit and being down to Earth. Different Wiccans practice different forms of magic {or magick} such as rituals, potions, and spell casting. None of these involve harm {unless dark magic is used} and can actually help many people. Many do not accept the Wiccan life, because most fear what they cannot control.
Ohmigosh, that Wiccan cast a spell on me and now I feel sick!
Um, Wiccans don't use magic for evil.
Oh... It must have been something I ate then.
by Violetta Marie Dell November 17, 2011
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Wicca is one of many neo pagan traditions based off of The old religion in England, Ireland and Scotland where many looked to an Earth Goddess/ Fertility Goddess and a Hunter God. Wicca may well be one of the oldest religions in the world. Cave paintings 30,000 years old show a man with a stag head( God ) and a pregnant woman (goddess) encircled by 11 people. 13 makes up the ideal coven.
"Bide the Wiccan Law ye must,
In perfect love and perfect trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill"
An'ye harm none, do what ye will.
What ye send forth comes back to thee
so ever mind the law of three.
Follow this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.
My heart and prayers to all those who are ignorant of this beautiful religion.
A follower of wicca is called a wiccan.
by Moon Light Wolf June 5, 2005
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I know people like to be funny, and they usually are, but Wiccans are not just Harry Potter fans, we are also not Jewish, yes many are just goth posers who thing they can take 'revenge on society' for preforming black magic, which isn't Wicca. Some of us actually know about our religion. Like me, I spent six months researching Wicca before I converted because I wanted to know what I was worshiping. We only take offense when people call us evil because we aren't, how would you like it if we were all "You're Catholic, you murderer, you are all murderers, you burned people." You would take offense, because your not ALL evil, Yes some pussy ass morons join Wicca and are all "Ya now I'm gunna kill everyone YAY!" but that's because they are asshats.
OMG, your a Wiccan, then turn me into a cat!
Sorry, we aren't like that, you should research.
Oh, sorry.
by Kokomagena January 11, 2011
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From Wicca: the way of the wise.
Is someone who worships Nature for salvation practicing white magic, medicinal healing, and Spiritualism. Wiccan theology can be vast, but many are either Duotheists, Pantheists, or soft Polytheists. The belief in an afterlife depends on the individual, but many believe that through positive reincarnation you'll be granted a heaven called the "summerland" (better existence on earth or another world), and through bad reincarnation a hell (lesser existence on earth). The Rede is: An'ye harm none, do what ye will.
The path was developed around the late 1950's by Gerald Gardner: a British anthropologist & Freemason who was also some big buff on Aleister Crowley.
One who follows the path of Wicca is a Wiccan.
by Shapeshifter89 December 30, 2014
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An amazing, stunning, incredible witch person. They love nature. And jars.

(Not a satanist btw).
Person A:-I'm a wiccan.-
Person B:-Wow!! Great. Happy Samhain!-
by Alexis_ May 25, 2021
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sal: man, John and Katy were in line for three years waiting for the premiere of the new Harry Potter film.

mary: boy, they are true Wiccans
by omganegro August 11, 2008
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