large cucumber/zucchini used to increase peepee size in polaroids
Glenda: Dayum, that's some mighty large package.
Marcy: Chill, guys, it's gotta be a westgaard.
by Lion Nose March 13, 2007
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The Vice-Chair of a Committee.
Usually speaks at least two languages; enjoys social and humanitarian affairs.
Manages to make suspicious moles look less so; pulls off oddly bell-shaped hair.
His polaroids like staying in wallets, and he has a tendency of leaning to the right to brush against someones shoulder, making azns blush.
Inspiration for "Cheap Belize" and other verse, primarily that centering around death, degradation, and anything otherwise shitty.
Has yellow post its circling whichever room he enters, and usually confiscates those about ice cream.
Causes the sitting down on plaster benches and spilled Dunkin' Donuts white hot chocolate and much too cold Banana Smoothies.
Pains AP Art History classes around the world.
Maintains status as Reason for Historianship.
Maintains status as Reason we want to fucking Die.

Ma*cy: So, Glenda, it's June 17th.
Gl*nda: OMG WTF WESTGAARD !!! I can love like you do.
by Lion Nose March 13, 2007
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