A gorgeous person who is trust worthy,honest and loves life. She is intelligent and she will never want anything bad to happen to anyone.

She is the one who is usually very caring, modest, lovable and friendly. This type of girl usually brings peace and joy to others. Once you've cracked their shell you will find them no where near shy but still amazingly cool. BUT also she is Responsible, protective, nurturing, balance, sympatric, friendly, excellent relation builder, excellent parent, generous, sincere , Stable, Balanced, Loving and Compassionate.
At this point i'm running out of adjectives to describe her.

She will hands down be the most beautiful and incredible girl you will meet in your lifetime.
Look at Vajiha, she is such a blessing.
by Rare101 November 24, 2021
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she is a very pretty girl but she doesn’t know that. She tends to overthink a lot and cares for everyone. She is awkward sometimes
vajiha is beautiful
by bxiehao November 21, 2021
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