up the yin yang

To take something to the extreme. Mainly used by those of the ricer crowd when they are threatened by rival racers
Man, quit dissin' my Celica before I smack you up the yin yang!
by Eddie the Black April 1, 2004
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up the yin yang

v. To have anal sex
Barry took Kevin up the yin yang yesterday night, all the screaming kept me awake
by l337 haxx0r April 3, 2004
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Ownt up to Yin-Yang

In a nutshell, the highest order of ownage. Something of this calibur could only be compared to the apocalypse, or even the holocause.
Other words in refrence:
"Dude, that guy, in counterstrike, got COMPLETELY ownt up the yin yang."

"Dear god, the jews were ownt up to yin yang."
by Tekk aka SCOTT N January 18, 2005
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