Tvesha is a fun gal. She is funny, and makes wack jokes. Tvesha is usually sick because of her messed up immune system, so make sure she is always wearing a jacket. She's secretly smart, so if she acts like she's dumb, don't let her fool you. She think she's not pretty, but she is, so always tell her to stfu. In conclusion, she bullies me, but I still enjoy her presence, *most of the time. :) P.S. she's the biggest scrub ever so watch out....
Susan: Oh my god! That girl is suchh a Tvesha!
Bob: IKR like what a scrub. smh.
by bestchicken March 7, 2019
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Tvesha likes to talk a lot, but can also make a lot of friends easily. She likes to use specific words such as, "Scrub", to describe others, but does not realize it describes herself as well. She can be very hardworking but also hates all teachers, and prefers to procrastinate tasks. She claims that she doesn't give a shit about any work, but still manages to tryhard and get straight 90's. Usually making stupid puns and jokes to make herself feel good even though they are not funny at all.
J: Bro she's actually a Tvesha
G: IKR she doesn't stop talking and she's an annoying scrub
by Hottestbrownboy March 7, 2019
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