Use of intensifiers such as - but not limited - to: 'very', 'so', 'big league' and 'much' in a way
that they could be removed and keep the sentence meaning intact. Superfluous use of intensifiers.
"He's a very terrific guy, so terrific, in fact I owe a lot to him."

"1) He very highly regards himself

2) Dude, very is a trump word"

“The beauty of me is that I’m very rich.” - Donald Trump
by stringerbell200 December 1, 2016
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A word that gets at least 10 new urban dictionary submissions every month.
Guy 1: Bro you seen how many new Trump definitions are getting accepted by urban dictionary.
Guy 2: Yea, what the fuck.
Guy 1: I don't know.
Guy 2: Guess you could call it a... "TRUMP WORD".
Guy 1: Get out.
by Kylithium January 21, 2021
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A slang word that someone submits to Urban Dictionary, but finds a way to make it have to do with Donald Trump in some way, or uses Trump in a part of the name but has nothing to do with Trump. This is done so they can easily and quickly get to the front page.
Damn it! Why is there so many Trump Words on this site? How are they still funny?
by Mylittlepony December 9, 2016
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