tiger ass

A woman that has stetch marks on her rump
Damn, Jessica been hitting the squats. Bet you she got a tiger ass!
by Yaboyirvin April 14, 2014
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Tony the Tiger ass

Someone who has made plans but fails to follow through with them.
Guy 1: "Yo dude Where you at? My birthday party is today."

Guy 2: "I can't come. I have other stuff to do."

Guy 1: "Dude we had this planned like 10 weeks ago!!"

Guy 2:"I know my fault man. Next time for sure."

Guy 1: "Tony the Tiger ass"

Guy 2: "Lol what?"

Guy 1; "You're always flaking on me. You're a Frosted Flaker!"
by Actual Disney July 3, 2019
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ass tigers

A condition where painful red pimples appear on the butt cheeks
I looked in the mirror to see what was hurting, and to my horror, it was ASS TIGERS!
by Harry Segal August 27, 2005
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