add a slight bounce to your walk when you see a thot and it becomes into to a dance it should go right foot left foot right foot right foot then repeat left foot right foot left foot left foot add your own swagg into it
by lulraerae April 15, 2014
by LilyLemonade June 4, 2018
by ReySkywalker January 2, 2016
by danyshow March 30, 2020
When a thot crosses her arms when walking to puff out her chest and expose her breasts. Usually most girls do this around mating season to lure in curious fuckboys. Seemingly always occurs on a campus or highschool.
Person1: Hey, person2! It must be mating season again. I counted about 16 girls who thot walked today.
Person2: Ah, that’s nothing, mating season usually comes around when 30 or 40 girls start thot walking.
Person2: Ah, that’s nothing, mating season usually comes around when 30 or 40 girls start thot walking.
by D3rbs May 8, 2019