Confederate flag

A Confederate Flag doesn't make some kid want to start a race war, it's just a piece of cloth. Lots of people that don't try to start a race war have one in their yard, so it can't be the flag that makes somebody like that.
by The Original Agahnim October 29, 2021
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Confederate Flag

Also known as the "Southern Cross," it is flag with a red field with a blue saltire (diagonal cross), trimmed with white, with 13 white stars used to represent Incestsexuals.
William: Have you seen Robert's new Confederate flag?
Mary: Yeah! I glad to see he's finally showing his southern pride and coming out as Incestsexual.
by PleaseWriteYourNameHere August 18, 2024
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flag assembly

Yo leta go to a flag assembly
by Pabloc986 November 6, 2017
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olympic flag pole

When the male is on his back full erection and the female does a front flip onto him landing flawlessly on his Weiner
by Str8up8up1 April 7, 2021
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dhulbahante flag

the dhulbahante flag is a flag carried by the reer darawiish, such as khaatumo flag etc
thats a dhulbahante flag
by readyforthemoon55 July 13, 2020
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Flag Wanking

Someone whomst is a Member of the British Conservative party who wants everyone to pledge allegiance to the flag of the UK.
Boris Johnson enjoyed **Flag Wanking** in parilament today.
by Oure April 21, 2021
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flag brown

Usually a gay man into scat. “Flag” refers to the hanky code with brown representing… y’know
Jay: “If you’re interested, I flag brown.”
Chris: “Too late… where’s that hanky?”
by mrhankey666 October 31, 2023
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