A man or woman who can make tea to such a high degree, that (s)he is only comparable to being a messiah of the art. (S)He can make the strongest of tea haters into believers. (S)He believes in the majesty of tea and puts all their soul into every cup. Also believes that tea can solve many if not most problems.
guy/girl: Sorry, I don't like tea.
teasus: just take one sip of tea, please, trust me.

he/she takes a sip
guy/girl: this...this is really good! how'd you make this taste so good? I've never had tea like this.
teasus: All tea is good, but not all makers have real passion for it. I'm glad you liked it. Teasus be with you.
guy/girl: And also with you.
by Teasus Christ September 6, 2013
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A large cup of mcdonalds tea that is so good you actually see Jesus.
Damn, this teasus is amazing and for only a dollar!?
by idefinedhinduslippers June 5, 2009
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A girl who always seems to be nothing but a tease. She gets you all riled up yet no action.
Guy 1: Yo, did you finally bang Tiffany?
Guy 2: Nah man, I don't understand. She got me all started but didn't do the deed.

Guy 1: Teasus Christ, Man!
Guy 2: I know...
by lazer lizard May 11, 2013
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