The action of seriously owning an individual.

To totally destroy someone in a fight even though they brought their "friends" to help out.
To go about your business of kickin' ass and takin' names without even caring.
Guy 1: Holy crap! Did you just see that fight?!
Guy 2: Yeah man, that one dude was swingin' dick heavy! He totally messed that douche-bag up!
Guy 1: Oh shit, I think I found part of his ear...
Inmate 1: What're you in for?
Inmate 2: Oh you know, I got caught swingin' dick heavy on some guy.
Inmate 1: Don't lie to me. If you were really swingin' dick heavy, you would've destroyed the cops too.
by NeiLTheReaLDeaL February 14, 2011
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