A spinoff of Subtle Asian Traits that began as a smaller group with the aim of hosting civil and insightful discussions about life and identity, but then like most other growing internet forums, was overtaken by a shitshow of kids pretending to be adults. Aside from the rare minority of members who are still genuinely eager to talk and make connections, there are primarily 2 remaining groups:

1. Bored frequenters who try to keep the group alive with cringy repetitive icebreakers and memes. Truly profound shit like, "Oh everyday I herpderp because blahblahderp. What are some examples of derpaderp that you all herpaderpderp?" They could post this crap anywhere else on the internet and generate the same dumb "dialogue," but they need the comfort of keeping their spam within a predominantly Asian forum.

2. SJWs who need an outlet/safe space to flex their wokeness. These are the worst of the worst. They'll express the need for respecting Asians and women and etc, while simultaneously whining about other races and men and etc. They'll lecture everyone about decency and respect, but throw all manner of shade at anyone who has a different perspective (or maybe even fails to word a post up to PC standards). They'll preach about empowerment, but the second you start to question their victimhood or contradict their outrage, it's game over man.
"Bro, I just discovered Subtle Asian Leftovers today."
"What'd you think?"
"It's depressing af."
by babyfarkmcgeezax September 11, 2019
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