perfume,body lotion, body scents of any kind, very often applied way too heavily, (male OR female!)
that bitch had on so much stinkum, i all but gagged

that dude on the bus, had on so much stinkum, it was almost pukin' time!
by michael foolsley November 20, 2009
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This is when someone who you really don't expect to fart a lot actually does #fart a ton.

Can also refer to someone who, you wouldn't expect their farts to be bad, but actually they're an abomination to the senses.
warold hörstler: bro, you fuck with larry's sister? she got some nicers.
jiminy glick: dudestein she a stinkums magoo.
warold hörstler: whatchu mean, son?
jiminy glick: brozilla one time i was hiding under the sofa trying to catch a glimpse and whatnot, and all a sudden, i'm blastit wif like some da nastiest odeurs i ever face in my life.
warold hörstler: sick!
jiminy glick: smell like someone take a dumpski in a bag a doritos and seal it up and then roast it at 450 degs, namsayin?
warold hörstler: sick!
by trilliam turdsworth May 2, 2022
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