
Foam covers on the end of the mics that prevent "popping" (Definition: Origin: comedian Hugh Laurie, by way of comedian/author/actor Stephen Fry, by way of Patrick A. Keane.)
My P's and B's sound too sharp. Is there a spoffle around?
by Kathy Yu August 12, 2005
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Noun: Slang term for a pop shield, put on the microphone to prevent plosive consonants from registering too forcefully during studio recording of voice overs.
"Can we put a spoffle on the mike because I'm getting too much pop o the Ps."
by Kilkrazy July 2, 2004
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Slang term for pop guard or pop cover: the foam cover put on microphones to prevent "popping" that results from loud consonants. Originated by Hugh Laurie during a BBC radio interview.
This spoffle helps cut down the amount of editing I have to do later around those Ps and Ts.
by Ange lina July 26, 2005
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