Australian Snot Rocket

the act of clearing one nostril by blowing out through it with great force while pinching the other nostril shut. this results in a massive evacualtion of anything that happens to be in the nostril.
specifically, the AUSTRALIAN snot rocket is performed after one has recieved an Australian Booger Blaster, and the resulting "rocket" is composed of both mucas and semen.

man 1: "last night i gave my wife an Australian Booger Blaster!"

man 2: "nice dude!"

man 1: "yeah, you'd think that, but then she blew an Australian Snot Rocket all over my chest."

man 2: "ew dude, you shoulda got the hell outta the way!"

man 1: "it's cool, i got the dog to lick it off."

man 2: "wow, there is something really wrong with you man."
by magellon February 16, 2009
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Egyptian Snot Rocket

During a blowjob, the woman takes the load up her nose then sneezes it out all over the guy's chest.
"Dude, she totally gave me an Egyptian Snot Rocket last night! It was AWESOME!"
by Edward Sparkleypants November 8, 2014
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German Snot Rocket

a sex position regarding a man getting a blow job and then stickin his dick in the women/ mans nose and them blowing there nose on the mans dick while he ejaculates in the nostral
dude, last night i gave kelsey a german snot rocket i like busted straight in her nose.
by theadore12 August 2, 2009
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texan snot rocket

The act of shotting snot form your noes into the girls vagina during sex
"I gave her a texan snot rocket last week."
by Zach w September 23, 2006
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Georgia Snot Rocket

Blow a snot rocket onto a guys penis and give him a blow job.
"Georgia Snot Rocket" snotty b.j.
by Muskie13 November 4, 2010
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Shingleton Snot Rocket

When you grow out your pubes really long and when i girl gives you head the hair tickles her nose and she sneezes all over your junk.
"Dude i forgot to trim that shit up and my girl gave me a Shingleton Snot Rocket"
by AWDM-Town January 14, 2009
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Snot Rocket Cum Sock

where you make an artificial pussy out of a sock and then proceed to shoot a snot rocket into it as a lubricant and then proceed to ejaculate into it.
hey have you tried the snot rocket cum sock it feels so good?
by allahs persnal fiddler May 27, 2020
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