To secretly engage in sexual activities with a female companion without telling a single soul. Publicly, this relationship is known as the friend zone, but in private said "Sleuth" tears that main vein up.
I know Will is Sleuthin' It . We went to pick him up from the Main Vein's house yesterday, and as he was walking out of the driveway he was still putting his clothes on.
by DenyTilYouDie February 5, 2009
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To secretly engage in sexual activities with a female companion without telling a single soul. Publicly, this relationship is known as the friend zone, but in private said "Sleuth" tears that main vein up.
I know Will is Sleuthin' It . We went to pick him up from the Main Vein's house yesterday, and as he was walking out of the driveway he was still putting his clothes on.
by DenyTilYouDie February 4, 2009
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Equal to the act of swallowing a whole bar of butter while lubricating it with toothpaste
My mom saw me sleuthin and called a priest
by MartonSzabo September 1, 2015
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