shoot 'em up

Your angry and about to kill everyone.

Other definitions that are similar:
pull a JFK
get my finger paints
What you say about my mama!, lets shoot 'em up!
by Pistol Starta February 14, 2004
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statesboro shoot em up

when you get shot in the ball sack or scrotum with an airsoft gun and the bb gets stuck in your ball or scrotum. then while having sex with a girl, you ejaculate the bb and then put it in the same airsoft gun that shot said bb and shot the girl with it. if one plays the "waiting ball showing game," be aware if your victims are crack shots and are armed.
Pat was denyed the rusty trombone by allison so out of a fit of rage he statesboro shoot em upped allison with the bb lodged in his sack which was shot by shea after receiving the goat
by the mudbutt maurader January 12, 2010
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